Why is Namibia so appealing to me?


Why is Namibia so appealing to me?

I’ve always been drawn to dry, arid environments ever since I crossed the Sahara way back in 1985. I think it has something to do with the contrast between the vast emptiness and silence which almost consumes you and the verdant and busy world we call home.

A friend of mine was recently talking about finding time and space to stop, reflect and contemplate. There are many ways to achieve this, a quiet time doing yoga, sitting in the bay window at home and watching the world go by or for me exploring the vastness of some of the worlds dry, empty places.

This is where Namibia come into its own and where travel allows us to slow our busy internal clock down to a pace where there’s time to reflect and re-charge.  Stepping off the plane in Windhoek is like the world in slow motion, where the need to rush is something you used to do. For the next few weeks, until you board your flight home, life will have a different, more reflective pace.

Many people are drawn to return to Namibia, it’s like many places in Africa, it just gets under your skin and pulls you back. Personally, I’m awed by the country’s 1500km coastline which extends from South Africa to the Angolan border. Often referred to as the Skeleton coast, partly because of the remains of whale bones left behind from the country’s less glorious whaling days.  More recently you’re likely to come across wrecks of ships which have run aground from the fogs which covers the coast due to the cold Atlantic currents coming into contact with the hot dry air emanating from the interior.

If you love the freedom of quiet open roads and exploring under your own steam, then you’ll be in for a real treat. Namibia offers the explorer in all of us the opportunity to get off the beaten track in a relatively safe way, camp under the stars or stay in one of the many delightful lodges and farmsteads.  But let’s not forget, this is a country which offers some amazing wildlife experiences and much quieter than is often found in East Africa.

Why not travel through Damaraland in search of endangered desert elephants or spend a few weeks volunteering to help protect these amazing creatures.  Namibia is also home to 20% of the worlds free roaming cheetah population, most are found outside of the protected areas but it’s worth including a few days at the Africat foundation in Okonjima.

You’d no doubt have guessed Namibia isn’t an Archipelago, however the country does fit well with the Archipelago Choice love of amazing places which combines some great wildlife experiences and exciting activities.

To find out more check out: www.archipelagochoice.com/namibia/