Cape Verde Carnival – Sao Vicente

Cape Verde’s carnival on Sao Vicente is the most colourful event of the Year

Cape Verde Carnival
Individual performers

Did you realise that you don’t have to go all the way to Rio de Janiero in Brazil to enjoy carnival? In under six hours, you could be landing on the island of Sao Vicente and enjoying the  biggest and most celebrated event of the year.

Carnival is hugely popular amongst the residents of Sao Vicente. The expertly tailored costumes, dances, and music all reflect the rich culture of this African archipelago of nine islands. The unique mix of African and Portuguese culture  is a reminder of Cape Verde’s pivotal role in the trans-Atlantic trade of the 1600’s.


The Main Parade – Tuesday 17th February 2026

Cape Verde Carnival
Carnival Floats – kindly sent by Raymond Vriend and Lynn Goodfellow small

Though the main parade is on shrove Tuesday, there are parties, street bands, food stalls, and celebrations in the week leading up to the main parade. On the Wednesday after shrove Tuesday, the winners are announced: VIDEO FOOTAGE


Mindelo – A Harbour City on the Island of Sao Vicente

Trans-Atlantic sailing boats in Mindelo Harbour
Trans-Atlantic sailing boats in Mindelo

Mindelo is already considered to be the cultural beating heart of Cape Verde because of its music, but it’s also the place to be during carnival celebrations. Colourful streets with narrow alleyways sit nestled at the foot of a rocky mountain range.

Mandinga Groups

Mandinga Groups Sao Vicente
Mandinga Carnival Groups

One tradition particular to Sao Vicente is the Mandinga competition, which is taken very seriously.  Many say that the tradition of the Mindinga celebrations started when members of a west African tribe – the Mandinga – performed in Mindelo in the sixties, on their way to independence celebrations in Portugal.

Today, these carnival groups dance and parade alongside the most elaborately decorated floats. Dancers in colourful costumes are accompanied by beating drums. Men and boys painted in black perform tribal dances to express their African identity, and honour the memory of their ancestors.

These groups hold their parades on the four Sundays before Shrove Tuesday, and are the announcers of Carnival. Their parades are vibrant, raucous, fun and attract lots of spectators.


Tap Party, Walt Party, Samba Tropical Parade and Amparo Party

Cape Verde Carnival
Headdress – Sent in by Raymond Vriend and Lynn Goodfellow

Then there are of course the parties.

The TAP party: Saturday 7th February 2026

The  WALT party:  Friday 13th February 2026

The AMPARO party: Saturday 14th February 2026

The Samba Tropical Parade: Monday 16th February 2026

The Main Parade: Shrove Tuesday, 17th February 2026

Winner announcements: Wednesday 18th February 2026

You can combine the carnival celebrations with a variety of our holidays on Cape Verde. So, have a chat with Jake or Max:

📞Call Jake or Max on: 017687 21030

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