Hotel Villa Santo Domingo

High up in the Sierra Maestra mountain range you’ll find the picturesque Hotel Villa Santo Domingo.

Located right next to the gateway to Gran Parque Nacional Sierra Maestra with its cloud forests and along the Yara River, the hotel has a total of 40 cabanas, some built of concrete and newer wooden buildings. It’s without a doubt an excellent spot if you are interested in bird watching.

Both the Castro brothers have stayed here on separate occasions. Fidel, most likely when he established his rebel HQ Comandancia de la Plata, high up in the cloud forest and where he planned his revolutionary campaigns, whilst Raul stayed there when he climbed Cuba’s highest mountain Pico Turquino (1972m)

We have included a guided excursion to Fidel’s remote rebel complex, where you can still see Casa del Fidel, visit the small museum, the hospital and higher up the radio communications buildings.

If you’re staying for a few nights, you can go mule and horseback riding and go on hikes in the cloud forest. The actual village of Santo Domingo is also the venue of lively Guateques (Cuban countryside fiestas).